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If you’re experiencing joint pain, you may have several different options. Lifestyle changes, injections, and physical therapy can all help you alleviate the pain. However, for severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Your doctor will discuss your options and determine what kind of treatment is best for your condition. The best joint pain treatment can be a combination of physical therapy and medication. I strongly suggest you to visit Robinson knee specialist to learn more about this.

There are several types of injections that can help you get long-term joint pain relief. Usually, they’re done with a local anesthetic, and they’re injected into the joint space (the space between the bones that make up a joint). Anti-inflammatory corticosteroid injections are the most common, and they help alleviate pain and improve joint function. Some types of injections also include hyaluronic acid, which can reduce pain and inflammation.
There are also several types of over-the-counter medicines that can help you alleviate joint pain. These medications include ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. These medicines are very effective for acute inflammation but have several side effects. The side effects may include stomach irritation and increased risk of heart attack. Another option is to use topical analgesics, which relax the muscles. If these options don’t work, a medical professional can prescribe stronger medication to help you get rid of your pain.
Over-the-counter and dietary supplements can also be used to treat joint pain. However, they’re not recommended for long-term use. They may only provide temporary relief and may worsen underlying conditions. You should only use them under the supervision of a rheumatologist. Using over-the-counter medicines should be reserved for short-term use and in case of severe or chronic joint damage.
Identifying the type of joint pain is a vital first step in seeking treatment. Joint pain can be a sign of a broader health issue, such as arthritis, and can affect your daily routine. Your physician can diagnose this disorder by analyzing your medical history and performing a physical examination. If you suspect a serious condition, consult a doctor right away.
Besides visiting a doctor, you can also use over-the-counter pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like Advil. These medications will help relieve pain and reduce swelling. You can also use a blanket or a piece of paper as a splint if your joint is broken.
Exercise is another option for joint pain treatment. Physical activity will help prevent the pain from worsening. You can also try stretching exercises to keep your joints flexible. If you’re not able to exercise, you can use ice packs to relieve joint stiffness. This may also help prevent further damage to your joint.
Physical therapy after a joint replacement surgery can include various exercises. In the early days after surgery, your muscles may become sore and need to be stretched. Physical therapy must be a priority for your recovery. It’s essential to work hard to recover from a joint replacement surgery.


QC Kinetix (Robinson)
2 Robinson Plaza, Suite 310
Pittsburgh, PA 15205
(724) 201-4230