Land Surveyor Association Explained

The Land Surveyor Association (LSA) is a professional organization for licensed land surveyors. Its mission is to advance the profession by upholding high standards of professional ethics and practice. It also promotes uniformity in practice and works to promote public understanding of the profession. Its members include land surveyors, land information practitioners, and students. Members are expected to act responsibly, taking into consideration the legal, economic, and social issues of land surveying. Have a look at Waterloo Surveyors, LLC., Austin to get more info on this.

To become a land surveyor in the state, you must meet specific licensing and educational requirements. It is a good idea to get referrals from trusted friends or family members. You can also visit the website of your state’s land surveyor association to find a land surveyor in your area. The website will contain a searchable directory and can help you verify the license of the individual.

The Land Surveyor Association, for instance, had traditionally conducted its AGMs offline, but the COVID pandemic forced the association to go virtual. The association planned to hold its first online conference in 2020. This initial experience was a good start, but the association wanted to develop an online conference platform with features that mirrored the in-person experience. This would allow members to maximize their networking and business goals.

The Land Surveyor Association requires its members to become members by completing the appropriate education requirements. Members must also have sufficient experience in land surveying. They must also pass a rigorous examination, known as the Specific Land Surveying Exam.