Invisalign Advantages

The Invisalign system is a customized solution for people with complex orthodontic problems. It is created by taking 3D digital images of a patient’s mouth. These images are sent to an Invisalign laboratory to create a precise set of aligners. These aligners are worn over the teeth over a specified period of time. During this process, the patient will be able to see their teeth and the progress they are making. By clicking here we get info about invisalign Lafayette

The Invisalign aligners are made from a special material that is patented. This material is stronger than ordinary aligners and moves teeth more accurately. Patients are given a personalized treatment plan based on the dentist’s recommendations and years of research. The process of straightening teeth is painless and comfortable, and patients can maintain their oral hygiene without having to remove their aligners.
Because the Invisalign aligners are removable, patients are not required to wear them all the time. They can wear them as little as twenty to twenty-two hours a day. They can also eat normal foods. In contrast, wearing braces can make it difficult to eat certain foods. It is important to note that Invisalign isn’t a cure for all orthodontic problems.
For people who have simple orthodontic problems like crowding, spacing, and mild to moderate bite problems, Invisalign is a good option. However, it can be difficult for some people to remember to wear their Invisalign trays. In those cases, traditional braces may be a better choice. If the correction is more complex, metal brackets, rubber bands, and jaw surgery may be required. A comprehensive examination and proper diagnosis are required before treatment can begin.
Wearing the aligners may cause minor discomfort during the first few days, but these symptoms will subside quickly. Wearers should use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth to relieve the discomfort. They can also brush their teeth frequently to help keep them clean. It is important to ensure that the aligners are clean and free of bacteria and food particles.
Adult patients usually need 12 months to complete the Invisalign treatment. However, some patients can see results after only two weeks of treatment. For those with complicated orthodontic problems, the Invisalign system may require additional treatments. Patients may need to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day.
Invisalign treatment may require frequent visits to a provider. During each appointment, patients will wear a new aligner for one to two weeks. Additionally, they will also need to wear a retainer to keep the teeth from moving back. These retainers can be purchased separately or included in the cost of the treatment.
The cost of Invisalign treatment varies from $3,000 to $5,000. The cost depends on the complexity of the treatment, the number of teeth involved, and whether or not the patient has dental insurance. Some dental insurance policies cover the full cost of the treatment.