An Easy Technique For Spider Vein Treatment

There are several types of spider vein treatment available today. The main type of sclerotherapy uses a chemical irritant that is injected directly into the vein. This irritates the blood vessel lining and causes it to adhere together, clot, and eventually turn into scar tissue. The treatment has been around since the 1930s. It is safe and effective, and patients can resume normal activity following treatment.  Do you want to learn more? Visit spider vein treatment Houston.


The treatment is performed using a fine needle to inject the sclerosing agent into the vein. The agent, which is similar to highly concentrated salt water, causes irritation and eventually collapses the vein. The vein is then gradually absorbed by the body. The process usually takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size and location of the spider vein. Patients may experience minor discomfort during the procedure, but they can go back to normal activities the day of the procedure. The procedure can be repeated as needed.

Sclerotherapy is usually performed in the doctor’s office and requires no anesthesia. Patients may experience some redness or swelling after the procedure, but this usually disappears within a day or two. Laser treatment does not use needles and does not have the side effects of sclerotherapy. However, there are some contraindications to laser treatment, such as pregnancy, photosensitive scarring disorders, and other conditions that might prevent you from using it safely.

Despite these risks, there are several safe and effective ways to treat spider veins. You may want to consider self-care tips to prevent the development of spider veins. Regular exercise and elevating your legs can improve circulation and prevent blood from pooling in the legs. Also, consult with a dermatologist if you have any skin conditions that increase your risk of spider veins. Some people may also want to use body makeup and self-tanner to conceal spider veins.

Sclerotherapy is a safe way to reduce the appearance of spider veins and other types of varicose veins. Sclerotherapy involves injection of an irritant chemical into the affected vein, which causes it to spasm and collapse. The vein walls then heal, sealing the vein off. Results of sclerotherapy can take two to six months, depending on the severity of the condition. Compression stockings can speed up the healing process.

Most varicose veins appear on the legs. They can be blue, purple, or red in color. They are caused by damaged or absent valves in the veins that keep blood flowing towards the heart. If left untreated, these veins can lead to blood clots and ulceration. They may even become a symptom of venous insufficiency.

If you suspect that you have spider veins, consult your physician immediately. Spider veins are unsightly and can make you feel self-conscious. However, you can get rid of them with the proper treatment. There are different methods of treatment available and a doctor can determine the best method for you.

Although spider veins are often overlooked and can even lead to other serious health issues, they are important to address immediately. Left untreated, they can lead to blood clots and ulcers. They can also be unsightly, and many people choose to have spider vein treatment as a cosmetic solution to get rid of them.

Sclerotherapy is a safe procedure that can treat spider veins. It is performed in an office and doesn’t require anesthesia. Patients may experience mild swelling and itching after the procedure, but the side effects will dissipate within a few weeks. Laser treatment is another option for spider vein treatment. This procedure uses laser energy to destroy spider veins and improve circulation.

Contact Info

Access Vascular Health: Michelle Maneevese, MD
5151 Katy Freeway Suite 170
Houston, TX 77007
Phone No. : 832-981-5781